Tuesday, January 31, 2006

I'm a matchmaker

One of my children's lit students told me today that she'd be missing class the rest of the week because she's getting married. I realize that this is not particularly interesting information, but wait. . .

The real news is that she is marrying someone she met in the writing class she took from me last year (they were always chatty, but I didn't know they'd been courting). I realize that I can't really take credit for their meeting and marrying, but I like to think that I teach writing in a way that encourages love. If you know anyone who needs my services, let me know.

The best part is that no matter how much they may want to forget me or English 1010, the can't. I am a permanent part of their life history.


Lisa B. said...

On the other hand, I hate it when they actually do fall in love, if that's what it is, in my class, with the under-the-table hand-holding, the coziness . . . I'm all about love, but don't make out in my class!

Dr. Write said...

I hear ya! I had two couples in one class and one couple in another. But I think if they meet in class it's okay. As long as they don't make out. I even want to forbid any touching at all.

lis said...

luckily, I never noticed them falling in love in my class. I agree that couples shouldn't take classes together, there should be no handholding in class.

middlebrow said...

Are you invited to the wedding? Perhaps the couple could have you read a passage from the Allyn and Bacon Guide to Writing. So romantic!

Condiment said...

Don't forget to ask for your three bags of rice! (obscure Korean cultural reference)

lis said...

They should have invited me. And yes, I think a reading selection from A&B would be perfect. Maybe the part about "wallowing in complexity."

Sarah @ Baby Bilingual said...

A few years ago, a woman in my French 1 and a guy in my French 3 classes were dating. She was garruous, he very reserved. I'm sure he never suspected that she wrote about him constantly in her French journal (she managed to turn every prompt into permission to go on and on about her boyfriend). Imagine my giggles when I read in an entry about clothing, "Bill est adorable dans son pyjama!" I'm certain Bill didn't want her praising his PJs to his French teacher.