Thursday, February 02, 2006

the disorganization vortex

I've realized that the one thing that would dramatically improve my work life would be a bit more (ok, a lot more) organization on my part. Then, instead of frantically scrambling before class to find the right handout, I would just go to the place where I knew it would be and then I could relax and read/write blogs (instead of ignoring the clutter I should be organizing right now in order to blog). Life would be sweeter, I would be calmer. The problem is I am so disorganized that I don't know where to start. And I fear that in the process of organizing my current clutter I would just get behind on the things I should be doing now and then that will just lead to a me that is even more stressed. I think that I'll just have to wait until summer, but then I realize that some of my clutter is left over from the other summers where I attempted, but failed, to get myself organized. My brother suffers from the same disorder and he told me the other day that he hired a consultant to organize his studio. He figures that if someone sets up a system for him, he can follow it. This is what I need. Sadly, I don't make as much money as my dear brother does, so I am stuck with my own inability. Unless someone wants to volunteer to be my consultant. It's a good cause. MB? Anyone else have a knack for organizing?


Lisa B. said...

I have no knack for organizing, but I do have a knack for sympathy. Poor, poor assertively unhip. Actually, I think you should think of it as a strength (rather than getting organized, I spend my time talking myself into seeing my weaknesses as strengths): out of your chaos comes creativity--blogs, cut-ups, croissants, great ideas, charming conversation. You're a great person to hang out with. You're disarmingly self-deprecating. You never make people feel inadequate because you're so on top of things (actually, I would have thought you were, but never mind). Practice repeating all of the above, starting with "Out of my chaos comes creativity:"

middlebrow said...

I'll be your consultant, but are you prepared to throw things away? A good organization plan always begins with the recognition that stuff needs to be dumped.

lis said...

lisa, you're so kind. I'm going to start chanting about chaos and creativity. you've convinced me. jason, i guess i won't need your services after all. Well, maybe. . . I'll get back to you.