Monday, January 16, 2006

as if you didn't already know, let me tell you: people are strange

Today, I rode the bus to and from Orem to spend time with my family (who complain that I don't visit them enough). I'm not sure why I rode the bus. Partly because the prescription on my lenses desperately needs to be adjusted and my already bad night vision has become horrific and me on the freeway at night with the very bad vision is not the best idea. Partly because I drive too much and occasionally the guilt gets to me. Anyway, I rode the bus. And riding the bus always provides insight into how odd people can be. Tonight's example: A guy had some sort of pink liquid (it looked like lemonade) in a plastic bottle. He shook the bottle vigorously as one might to mix up the pulp in juice. Then, he looked at the bottom of the bottle. Apparently he wasn't successful in mixing up whatever he intended to, because he started shaking the bottle again. Still no luck. He did this over and over--literally for 1/2 hour. It was baffling.


Clint Gardner said...

Want to start another blog? Tales of from the Bus?

lis said...

That's a good idea. Although I don't ride the bus enough to gather many stories. But my occasional bus treks to Orem might provide enough material. I've always wanted to ride the bus around for hours at a time to collect stories, but I can never bear the thought of actually doing all of that bus riding

Condiment said...

Do normal people ride the bus in Utah?

Lisa B. said...

I used to ride the bus all the time, when there was a fairly direct route from where I lived (in the boondocks) to where I was going (downtown). There are always crazy, aka scary, busy stories. My favorite, from years ago, was the two guys (sort of Garth and Wayne, but filthier in every sense of that word) who, after playing the drum solo from some WASP song, jointly looked out the window at a pair of hot young legal secretary-ish types, then looked at each other. One said to the other one, "Either one of 'em, dude." The whole trip from downtown to West Valley included a rendition of a song that had, as a refrain, "I wanna f*** you in the a**!" I had all of my young children with me. Well, that was a pretty good bus trip day.

Counterintuitive said...

I've never ridden a bus in Utah ever and I feel guilty about it; in another vein I'm kind of glad we discouraged you from driving when we returned from TYCA-Vegas.

lis said...

hey, ron, i'm not always a blind driver. just at the moment--because I need new lenses. and at night--no one should really drive with me at night.

Dr. Write said...

Hey! I just got new glasses! I can drive at night!
Also, yes, Sleepy E, people, such as myself, take the bus from Trax to school every Tuesday and Thursday. And people like Middlebrow take the bus home Monday and Wednesday.
Friday is for driving, baby!

Condiment said...

I try to take public transpo when I can, but there is always some episode. No Angeleno would ever ride the bus by choice, so, by extension, everyone who rides the bus is mentally ill or brutally poor (and mentally ill). I don't think I can recall an incident-free ride in recent years.