Monday, November 19, 2007

the best spam ever

I got this in my mailbox over the weekend, and I think it is definitely the most entertaining spam I've ever received:

I am working in a detective agency. I can't say my name. I want to warn you that i'm going to overhear your telephone line. Do you want to know who is the payer? Wait for my next letter.

P.S. I'm sure, you don't believe me. But i think that the attached record of your yesterday's telephone conversation will assure you that everything is real. The record is in archive. The password is 123qwe

I bet this guy is really successful. I mean, I have to admit that part of me is anxiously awaiting his next letter. Of course, I'm not too worried about what he might hear over my phone line. I recently gave up my lead-tainted dinner plate smuggling business, so I'm completely wholesome now. Even though I haven't read much detective fiction, I feel like the guy gets the voice just right here. The clipped sentences. The commands. I nearly had to restrain myself so I wouldn't click on that attachment.


Lisa B. said...

My favorite part is the comma between "I'm sure" and "you don't believe me." Also, "I'm going to overhear your telephone line." I don't know, those little glitchy parts are somehow precious.

Do let us know what happens in the next letter, won't you?

middlebrow said...

That is good spam. I too would be tempted to click. I'm a little jealous. I've never gotten spam that cool. It could be the beginning of a great thriller novel. Innocent English teacher gets sucked into a story of danger, crime, etc.

Counterintuitive said...

I must figure out how to get on your spam list--I only get penis implant stuff and the same old Nigerian folks who want to give me lots of money.

tara said...

Seriously, how can I get on this guy's mailing list?

Remember a while back when spammers sent messages filled with automatically generated text - the kind that was nonsensical but followed correct syntax, so it was nonsensical in a really entertaining way? Oh, and the senders' names all sounded like Pynchon characters - my favorite ever was Frugality V. Toboggan.

Spam filter technology must've wised up to that, because I haven't received one of those in a long time now. Sigh.