Friday, October 27, 2006

Halloween costume, help!

So I have to go to a party on Saturday, one that I didn't know about until yesterday (thanks, w.). I need a costume and I got nothing--except for this hat. So your job, blog reading pals, is to look at this hat (with me in two different moods, so you can consider a range possibilities) and tell me how to build a costume from it. I'm counting on you all, so let's hear those ideas.


middlebrow said...

I think Dr. Write still has her witch costume from last year. Perhaps you can wiggle into Son's superman costume. I got nothing with the hat. Sorry.

Lisa B. said...

Snow Queen, from hans Christian anderson? Very icy. pale makeup, if you do that kind of thing. Like, faintly blue eyebrows.

Or, you could take a page from my very think Halloween playbook, circa junior high: put your hair in pigtails (tricky with the hat, but you're ingenious), wear a very short dress and white tights and voila, with the purchase of a very large sucker, you are "Little Girl."

I know, creepy, but I didn't know that then. All I knew was that my options were Gypsy, Hobo, or Little Girl.

Lisa B. said...

very THIN.

Clint Gardner said...
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Anonymous said...

Zombie. Zombies are always well-received and they can wear fur-lined hats.

Clint Gardner said...

Opps that was me