Tuesday, October 03, 2006

a fine piece of reporting

That Salt Lake Tribune. Thank god we have them to really help us understand the complexities of gender and incarceration:

Women in Prison: Even Jailed, Girls Can Be Girls

Let me just offer up the article's opening paragraphs:

"In prison, lipstick is more than a concoction of wax and oil that glides on a woman's full, shapely lips.
Ruby Rush, Latte Lush and Cocoa Delicious are shades of feminism, a woman's link to her inner self. Lipstick distinguishes her in a place that is otherwise drab and gray, making her feel human, even sexy, while she bides her time before she can rejoin the outside world."

Which leads me to the question of what shade of feminist am I? Plum Brulee*, since I am the sort of feminist who likes to sport an apron--a third wave kind of girl? Earth Rose, since we're all connected: earth mother, mother, woman, ecofeminism, it's all about the womb, you know what I mean? Beyond Pink, because don't we really just need to get beyond these constructions of gender? First wave, second wave, third wave--whatever. It's all about the lipstick.

*(these lipstick colors courtesy of L'Oreal)


Lisa B. said...

Just be Sangria, why don't you. Something to aspire to, you feminist, you.

middlebrow said...

You also gotta love the fact that the online version of the article includes an ad for laser hair removal, with a bikini-clad blond presumably exhibiting the benefits of a hairless existence.

Dr. Write said...

I'm Really Red. It's the only lipstick I have, which I bought for Halloween about 5 years ago when I went as Cat Woman. It really works for Halloween, but isn't practical otherwise.
What kind of feminist wears Burt's Bees champagne lip gloss? A real feminist, that's who!!

Condiment said...

I feel pretty degraded without makeup too.