Monday, May 05, 2008

bad things and good things

Will says I need blog. It's not like I don't talk to him every day. And in this madness of planning a wedding and a move to Canada, when I'm a mess of nerves who yells and cries, you'd think he might want to hear a little bit less from me. But I guess there's some blog magic that he just can't get from the in-person me.

I wish had something wise, pithy, funny--or even interesting--to say, but sadly my brain is fried on grading and wedding planning. So, a quick summary of the good and bad things in my life at the moment.

Bad Things: A persistent cough that came out of nowhere with no additional symptoms. It's worse at night, which means I'm not getting any sleep. A very messy house (but now that I am done grading, I can rememdy that shortly). My best friend and my sister declared today that I am in fact having a "wedding," despite my efforts otherwise; I still think it's a low-key affair, but apparently I am wrong. My George Bush stimulus cash has not yet arrived; I need it to pay for my fancy new glasses.

Good Things: Luckily my good things list is much longer: Grades are finished and the only student emails thus far have been thank-yous (maybe I was too nice?). The dance movie marathon is only five days away. Even though I have to plan a wedding, I get to have said wedding at my favorite restaurant in my favorite desert with my favorite boy. And I have a pretty dress and blue shoes. It has finally stopped snowing. And a surprise good thing today--an essay that I sent off in, oh, 2005 finally got accepted today. I should refuse the publication in protest of the delay, but it's an essay that would have a hard time finding a home other than the journal I sent it to.

So that's that. Hopefully more blogging in the days to come.


Lisa B. said...

There is a long list of things that could complete the sentence "nothing would make me happier than . . . ." However, and I think I am not exaggerating, although I just finished grading and my judgment may not be reliable--but anyway, I *think* I am not exaggerating when I say that you blogging would be pretty high on that list. Seriously. When I think about you moving to the wilds of Canada where they may/may not have the Internet, the thought of you not blogging makes me anxious.

Just take my feelings into account, that's all I'm really asking here.

Counterintuitive said...

My best friend and my sister declared today that I am in fact having a "wedding," despite my efforts otherwise

That seems so you which makes me laugh and feel the world is right.

Dr Write said...

Yes, a wedding is a "wedding" despite our efforts to subvert the paradigm. However, I have no doubt that your wedding will reflect the spirit of both of you and be wonderful. You just have to have fun and not let anyone make you do things you don't want to do (for me it was bouquet throwing and that stupid garter thing and feeding each other cake). Try to enjoy it!!
And I'm with Lisa B. on the blogging thing. You MUST blog when you are far away so we can enjoy your company!!
Congratulations on everything. And the movie marathon is only 2 days away!! (not including today...)

Unknown said...

But I want to be fed cake!!!!!!!