Friday, March 24, 2006

Coffee Tastes Better with Nixon

Last week, shopping in NY at Fish’s Eddy , the excellent purveyor of ceramic wares, I found this beautiful specimen (which my brother convinced me to purchase):

The mug’s stars are:

George Bush, Sr.
Newt Gingrich
Joseph McCarthy
Herbert Hoover
Richard Nixon
Trent Lott
George W. Bush
Strom Thurman
Spiro Agnew
Tom DeLay

Why no Reagan, that’s what I want to know. If the theme is infamous Republicans, shouldn’t Reagan be there? Shouldn’t he replace GHWB? A man in my bookbinding class declared the other day that Reagan should replace Jackson on the $20 because he “saved the modern world.” I may agree that Jackson shouldn’t be on the $20, but I could argue for ages about the assertion that Reagan saved the modern world (but you already know what I would say). Reagan doesn’t belong on the $20 but he does belong on my mug! I think I may have to paint him in.


Lisa B. said...

None of those guyz belongs on any money, unless it's counterfeit. I would have a hard time choking down any morning-oriented beverage in the presence of Strom Thurmond. I'm just saying.

middlebrow said...

Reagan gets his own mug.

lis said...

I thought about the indigestion element too, lisa--but I couldn't resist the sick irony of it. and I have lots of other mugs when I just can't stomach it.

Clint Gardner said...

Paint a chimpanzee in instead.

Dr. Write said...

Reagan's not on it because of some 80s free-market BS that probably has a lot to do with coffee. See, if you think long enough,you can come up with a reason for anything. Now, why am I still in my pjs?

lis said...

but see, the problem is that fishs eddy strikes me as a very liberal, ny sort of place (see their website for the cynthia rowley "dirty dishes) and the mug was made for them, so it's clearly ironic--so why no Reagan?!