Wednesday, November 30, 2005

yet again, it depends on what "is" is

So, I'm sitting here listening to Lynne Cheney on the Diane Rehm Show--why, why do I do these things to myself. But she's stating that Pres. Bush and VP Cheney never said there was a connection between Saddam Hussein and 9/11--there is no connection, she says. Any American who thinks that there was a connection is wrong, she says. I could go on with my horrified response to this, but you already know what I'm going to say. Who the hell are these people and who do they think they are kidding?


Lisa B. said...

Lynne Cheney has been pissing me off for decades. Literally. "Horrified" is too mild a word for an appropriate response to her--to anything she says, writes, or thinks.

Clint Gardner said...

They are the anti-Christ.

middlebrow said...

We're talking about your post in our Eng 2010 Curriculum Committee Meeting.

lis said...

What are you saying about it?

Condiment said...

I hate these people. I am ashamed when I travel abroad.

Condiment said...

BTW, how come your picture is two to three times larger than everyone elses?

lis said...

hmmm...I never noticed how much bigger my picture is. Just me, trying to make sure I get noticed.

Anonymous said...

Love you!

Counterintuitive said...

Ok, I just got another great laugh from the interview incident--thanks Mr. Anonymous.

Anyways, shifting to anger and indignation, who the f**k does she think she's talking to? Sorry, but I'm still a reeling from TT Williams' talk on Rwanda. I just can't believe how made that makes me.