Monday, November 21, 2005

weekend lost to cold

Things I didn't do this weekend because of a nasty cold:

*attend my friend's art opening
*watch the latest movie attempt of Pride and Prejudice
*hear Doug Peacock read from his new memoir
*catch up on housecleaning and laundry

Things I did do:
*slept until noon
*watched 4 episodes of Six Feet Under
*read the latest Atlantic
*planned Thanksgiving pie baking
*used up a box and a half of Kleenex
*cut off part of a fingernail with my new chef's knife


Lisa B. said...

I am so sorry that you were sick. I have had so many mishaps with my chef's knife, despite which I feel it is the most brilliant purchase I ever made. But seriously, I cut myself when I removed it from its packaging. It was so tragic I had to laugh.

The fact that you read The Atlantic when you were sick makes me admire your fortitude. These days, that mag gives me fatigue just looking at it. I realized awhile ago that all my favorite publications have movie reviews in them. Even The Nation and In These Times have movie reviews. But not The Atlantic. Okay, enough of that. I received my copy last week and if you could read it whilst abed in a sea of affliction, I can gird up my loins and read it, too.

middlebrow said...

Dr. Write and I also currently making our way through the fourth season of Six Feet Under.