Wednesday, August 22, 2007

a little gift to help with the time wasting

I'm just blogging today because everyone is blogging today--and getting comments--which means that everyone is in that first day of school zone where there is so much to do, but still so little you must do, leaving ample time for blogging and sending endless strings of emails about the Love Boat, etc. So I just want to be part of the back-to-school-time-wasters-blogfest.

So read this and leave me comments.

Then get back to work!


Clint Gardner said...


Lisa B. said...

Sorry I didn't see this till today. Yes, the much to do but still time to waste period of the beginning of the semester. How I love it so. My particular variety of this is the waiting around for the distance ed people to fix stuff I can't fix for myself. Oy. I could be at home cleaning up my kitchen, but instead I must wait here for the distance ed people, etc. Also, to teach the next class--I guess there's that.

Thanks for your support of my own personal time-wasting.