At the beginning of summer, I planned to post a declaration of my summer intentions (as seemed to be the trend) but really I didn't want to have any accountability. That's what summer is about, right?
But here's a quick update of what I have been doing:
Reading. I went on a bit of a reading binge just after the semester ended, reading about six books in a week, but that has slowed down and now I'm at about one a week (sometimes not even quite that). It's been quite a pleasure reading this much. I've been buying a lot of books too, which is not a very good thing for my budget. Among the recent reads:
*Larry's Party, Carol Shields
*The Botany of Desire, Michael Pollan
*The Perfect Scoop, David Lebovitz (it's a cookbook, but it's about ice cream, so it deserves a careful read)
*The Invention of Hugo Cabret, Brian Selznick (a kid's book, but highly recommended--a sort of graphic novel that draws a lot of inspiration from film)
*Flight, Sherman Alexie
*Cowboys are My Weakness, Pam Houston
Moving The move wasn't a very big one--just downstairs in our building--but the space is bigger and there is a separate kitchen with a huge window which I love. You'd think that moving downstairs would simplify life, but moving sucks no matter how far you go. I am sure we will have some sort of event soon, so you can all see it.
Writing I wish I could impose a word count on myself like Dr. Write has done, but I'm not very good at structure. But the writing projects are going pretty well. Hopefully by the end of summer I'll have a report with good results.
Otherwise, I've just been playing outside and anxiously awaiting the start of the farmer's market. This weekend we went to Moab--more eating than hiking, but it was a good trip. Everyone there but me was a mathematician. Of course, I was the one who ended up figuring out every restaurant bill. Why is it that mathematicians have no ability to do simple arithmetic?