Tuesday, September 26, 2006

all the things I should have said about zach braff

sometimes someone gets it all right, says all the right things:

"Why I hate Zach Braff." A perfectly accurate and beautifully articulated assessment of that paragon of twenty-something lameness. by Josh Levin.

Read it.


Lisa B. said...

Apparently you and I totally gravitate to the same pieces on Slate. Though I admit there were things--some things--I liked about Garden State. I also saw the Italian original of the new ZB movie and it was too upsetting for me to see in a new American remake with ZB's big, big teeth.

Clint Gardner said...

Oh that guy. Jesus I hated Garden State. What a horrible movie.

middlebrow said...

Jesus Christo people. Braff is funny and talented. I thought Garden State was funny and moving. And, yes, I liked the sound track to the movie as well. I increasingly think Slate is a haven for cynical bores.

My favorite line from Garden State: "But he's a fast food knight."

Perhaps I'm a sap.

Dr. Write said...

Was I out of the building when they passed out the downers? Jesus (pronounce it Hesus)Christo. Let me just tell you that there is nothing wrong with enjoying popular culture because it is (get this) popular!!
I like Zach and Scrubs and Garden State and the Garden State soundtrack. But maybe it's because ZB is not of "my generation" and I don't think he speaks for me. I just think he's cute. And talented.

Clint Gardner said...

Garden State? Garden State? OY VEY PEOPLE. Harold and Kumar Visit White Castle (or whatever its title was) is 27 times the movie.

Clint Gardner said...

Oh I don't mind what I've seen of Scrubs (which is not much, I must admit)

lis said...

Hey, you all know I love the pop culture (and I do have the Garden State soundtrack), but that movie is lame. It's not about being cynical. Come on, yelling from the top of tractors (or whatever) in garbage bags? A whole scene about how the Shins are like really going to change your life? What crapola. Sorry MB and Dr. W--usually I implicitly trust your tastes and opinions, but you've got this one wrong. Wrong, I tell you!

middlebrow said...

I do love Harold and Kumar. We have common ground there theorris.

middlebrow said...

Everyone should be allowed a short list of sentimental (okay, oversentimental) movies. It's like an aesthetic get out of jail free card. Come on lisa b, chime in here and defend the sentimental.

Dr. Write said...

But blaming Zach Braff? Isn't the movie based on a Rick Moody book? And how does he get away with still being some kind of hipster? I never read the book, so I can't say. But if I had a tractor, I might have stood on it, yelling, in a garbage bag. Maybe. Plus, it's a romantic comedy, which automatically removes it from the realm of "realistic." Am I right?

Unknown said...

Zach Braff is lame and cliché for sure. I found Garden Sated really boring. I think he wants to be the Woody Allen of generation Y or something. Coolness or lack thereof aside, the characters he plays, stories he is in, and probably his real personality is so pathetic and narcissistic. I think his target audience is depressed teenagers who's parents "totally don't understand". I don't think Slate is being cynical on this one. Zach Braff is the king of cynicism!

Lisa B. said...

I will revise my previous statement and say I liked Garden State just fine. Also, let me remind you that that movie was not just ZB, but also: Peter Sarsgard and Jean Smart (no one cares about her, but as a now middle-aged actress, she has given me years of pleasure, and always awesome and surprising performances, ditto in Garden State). I thought this movie was kind of sweet. It's okay with me if people hate it, but I also think it's okay to like it. In fact, my aesthetic manifesto is to be easy, because that way, you enjoy more things.

Clint Gardner said...

I'm with LB on the manifesto. I'm certain there are many movies that I quite enjoy that would piss people off too. C'est la vie, I say.

Anyway I've expurgated why GS pisses me off over at Middlebrowhauf.

Condiment said...

I like Garden State. There are many worse movies to feel wookie rage about. Like "Crash" for example.

Clint Gardner said...

Don't get the wookie started on Crash, E.

Anonymous said...

I just saw Garden State and I want to beat the crap out of Zach Braff. And for the record it's "Jesucristo". Google it up if you don't believe me.