Thursday, September 29, 2005

watching the pot

Today, as I updated a friend about the banalities that are my current life, she made a throwaway comment about watching the pot.

And it was like this moment of revelation. Yes, I have been watching the pot. Not just watching the pot, but hovering over it, demanding the water to simmer. For months, for more than months. Me--watching over my life, trying to coax the rolling boil. And that clarity has me suddenly evaluating my behavior, planning alterations. How does that happen--a cliche suddenly transformed into the most meaningful idea you've considered in months?


Counterintuitive said...

this seems the bane and the phenomenon of organized religion/spirituality.

Clint Gardner said...

Sometimes I think I forgot to turn the stove on.

Dr. Write said...

What pot? You guys have a pot? How could I have missed that? Now I have to go get a pot? And then watch it? Wow. I really am out of the loop.