Monday, August 18, 2008

goodbye assertively unhip

Hello The Cold, Cold North. To go with my new Canadian life, I have decided to kill this old blog and start a new one. We all know that I am inescapably hip anyway. It's best to just accept it. So I hope you'll join me up here in the Cold, Cold North.

1 comment:

Clint Gardner said...

Well we all knew your were impossibly hip, Unhip. While I do like moving on to new phases in one's life, I still don't like closure.

You've not given much closure here, however, so I'm assuming the Great White North or whatever you are calling it will be a sequel.

I'm still trying to figure out how to suitably bring Signifying nothing to a disastrous end that could never, ever have any sequels, prequels or postquels.