Thursday, May 03, 2007

I know it's almost done, but. . .

I am blogging as a way to further postpone my grading, an act all of you can certainly understand. I know that if I just started working it would all be over soon, but I just can't seem to get enough motivation. I've spent the past few days catching up on Community Writing Center work, so now I'm tired and all I want to do is lay in my bed and read. It doesn't help that it's cold and rainy today.

I left my house, thinking that a change of scenery would help my motivation (and get me away from using housecleaning as an excuse for not grading--you know things are bad when housecleaning seems appealing). But here I am at the Cocoa Cafe, not grading. And I'm grumpy because they put way too much hazelnut syrup in my steamer.

I wish I weren't such a procrastinator. I've never been very good with the logic that if I just finishe a dreaded task it will be done and then I can move on. I think sometimes I really believe that if I wait long enough the dreaded task will go away.

Ok, back to grading.


Anonymous said...

This is why I [heart] Adderall.

Dr. Write said...

I used up all my procrastinary measures and finished my grading. But I don't have that feeling of relief yet, because I haven't submitted my grades or rid my immediate surroundings of papers.
But housecleaning still sounds good, because my house is such a mess.

Lisa B. said...

Your last two posts have made me feel that you are a sister of my soul. I way prefer postponing things until the last minute/it's unbearable--I would rather clean my shower! than get started on grading before the Absolute. Last. Minute. Possible.

Sarah @ Baby Bilingual said...

Good luck with this most onerous task. I find that a glass of sherry helps the malapropisms go down more easily.

PS: I just made your recommended Devil's Backbone chile cream pots tonight for a cuatro de mayo party tomorrow!

Counterintuitive said...

I know the feeling. A few weeks ago I had no blogging desire; now I've got all kinds of ideas whilst messy stacks of papers litter my desk.