Monday, June 12, 2006

please don't conserve

Friday morning, I was hanging out at my parents' house, eating my cold cereal (had just returned from a hike to Buckskin Gulch the night before) and reading the always amusing Daily Herald. There was a brief article about a Provo man who decided to take out his lawn and do some xeriscaping. His neighbors in the housing development didn't like it much and complained. The illustrious Provo City Council told this man (and several other water-conscious neighbors) that they had to tear out the xeriscaping and install water-sucking turf. Things are stalled at the moment because people complained about the city council's decision. Maybe, just maybe, the xeriscaping is safe.

I would provide some commentary here, but I know the same commentary is probably already running through your head.


Clint Gardner said...

My commentary consists solely of four letter words.

lis said...


Clint Gardner said...

I was kind of pleased when the guy down the street who has a great xeriscaped yard had the Relief Society ladies over to show them around his yard. He kind of makes up for the guy right across the street from me who not only over-waters his massive lawn EVERY night, but also has a swimming pool, 3 convertables, and 2 SUVs.

My watering once every two weeks when necessary and cutting the grass to 3 inches high has something to do with that guy too. I hope he is enjoying our saving water for him.
