- My license plate number
- The name/ number of my previous landlord
- My savings account number
- The telephone #/ address of several good friends
- The address of my employer
- My gross monthly income
Some of these things I can find out easily, some with more difficulty, some are lost forever. I should have a file or something labeled "Important Information." Alas, even if I did have such a file I would probably forget to file anything in it and the Important Information would be stacked in a pile on my desk somewhere. And it's not that I don't have a system at all. I have a way to get all of this information, but it's not very efficient. I used to call my dad repeatedly for phone numbers of family and friends; he would always tell me that I should get an address book. What he didn't understand is that I did have an address book--him. But I could tell I was annoying him, so I bought a book. And it is handy--when I can find it.
I have visions sometimes of me becoming an organized woman, of knowing where to find information when I need it. But I fear it will never happen. And this is what makes me feel like a loser. I imagine that if I were more organized, then I would be more together in all aspects of life. Luckily there is the Internet and a system that only requires four little numbers to access my money. Otherwise, I would probably be living in a shack with my money shoved under the mattress.
Well, here's hoping that my failure to keep track of all that Important Information will not stop me from getting to live at the swank new apartment.